If you are not a member of the Bullard Memorial Farm Association, you can apply for membership. Anyone aged 21 years or older can apply for membership of the BMFA. The application must be completed and returned to the BMFA Clerk by the deadline of one month before the Spring or Fall meeting. The application for Bronze membership is below. 

After an applicant is accepted for Bronze membership, they can apply for Silver and Gold status. Silver and Gold applications must include two sponsors who are current members and can vouch for the applicant’s dedication and commitment to the educational, preservation, and conservation goals of the BMFA. Each new applicant for membership for Silver or Gold status must be approved by a simple majority vote of a quorum of existing eligible voting members at a formally called Association meeting. 

Note: All new Silver and Gold memberships to the BMFA require completion of an Orientation Program to be conducted by the House and Grounds Committees, and a one year probationary period prior to being eligible to reserve the use of the Bullard Farm for daylight and/or overnight privileges. All individual membership applicants must be 22 years old to reserve the Bullard Memorial Farm. 

If you are interested in learning more about BMFA membership or for Silver and Gold membership forms, please contact the current BMFA Clerk, Meredith Flynn at

This form allows people to apply for BMFA bronze membership. Applicants should fill out the application, enclose the appropriate membership fee, and mail the application to the BMFA Clerk. (The address is on the application.)